Commercial Pilot Training

If flying is the career that you have chosen, you have taken right decision to land at AIAA. If your aim in life is to become a pilot, your basic training and the school you are trained in, will play a vital role in fulfillment of your ambition. Selecting the right place is an important decision for you to make flying a career. At AIIA you will be given the knowledge about the flying procedure, including basic aerodynamics principles. As the airlines of the world fly more and more sophisticated aircraft, they will demand the best from their pilots. The training you receive in our institute will be evident not only in your note book but also in your skills and professional standard. So,
“ Get Ready to Fly ”
Eligibility Criteria
Duration : 12 months Qualification : Intermediate (10 + 2) with P.C.M Age : 17 Years and above Medical Standards : The candidates should be medically fit to meet the Required standards according to the DGCA, as tested by Approved medical official.
Student appeared for 12th (PCM) exams are also eligible. Students passed in Arts/ Commerce will also be considered on their consent and agreeing to appear for two isolates i.e. Physics & Maths. Subject of the Physics and Maths exams to meet the requirements of the Govt. of India through the board or university
Ground Training
- Air Regulations - Air Navigation - Aviation Meteorology - Technical General (Aircraft and Engines) - Technical Specific - RTR (Radio Telephony Restricted)
Flying Training: 200 Hours of Flying as per DGCA Syllabus
Flying Requirements
- Min. 200 hrs of Flying out of which - PIC Flying Breakup - 100 hrs as PIC - 50 hrs X-Cty flying (more than 100Nm Radius) As PIC - 20 hrs Instrument Flying + 20 Hrs Simulator Training - 5 hrs Night Flying as PIC - Checks as prescribed by DGCA
Requirements at the time of application/issue
- Valid class I & class II Medical - 250 Nm X-Cty U/S (1 landing) - Day Check Min 45 minutes (Local) first U/S Then Solo 3C/L - 120 Nm Night Flying X-Cty U/S - Night Check Min. 45 Minutes First U/S Then Solo 3C/L - Instrument Rating Check At controlled Airport (1 yr validity)